Want to find out how much your loan repayments and interest will be on a split loan? Our split
loan calculator gives you an estimate of what the repayments and interest will be if you are
looking to split your loan e.g. part fixed and part variable.
This is a handy step if you are looking at splitting your loan to benefit from two different loan
types to get the benefit from both. It will give you a clear picture of what this type of arrangement
may mean for you.
By entering the loan amount, the percentage split and the different interest rates for fixed and
variable (and the fixed term) this calculator will give you an estimate of the repayments during
each period of the loan and the total interest payable.
Make sure you enter realistic figures so that you can give yourself a more accurate picture. This
can help you plan more effectively. To work out how much you can save by making additional
repayments pair this with our extra repayment calculator.
“*The calculator has been provided in good faith as a guidance tool only. Results are not financial
advice, are a guide only, and are not a guaranteed outcome or quote. Borrowers should always
discuss their individual situation with an Australian Credit Licensee or authorised Credit