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The Advantage of Choosing Asset Finance

Acquiring assets is a pivotal strategy for growth and sustainability. Whether it’s machinery, vehicles, or technology, assets empower businesses to enhance productivity, efficiency, and competitiveness. However, the upfront costs of acquiring these assets often present a significant barrier, particularly for small and medium enterprises (SMEs). 

In such scenarios, asset finance emerges as a strategic financial solution, offering businesses the flexibility and resources to acquire essential assets without draining their capital reserves. In this post, we delve into the concept of asset finance, exploring its workings, advantages, and why LiveInvest stands out as a premier asset finance broker in Australia.

What is an Asset?

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asset finance advantages

Before delving into the intricacies of asset finance, it’s imperative to grasp the essence of an asset. An asset, in business, refers to any tangible or intangible resource that holds economic value and contributes to generating income for a business. This encompasses various items, including machinery, equipment, vehicles, property, intellectual property, and goodwill.

Understanding Asset Financing

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Advantage of asset finance,
asset finance advantages

Asset finance represents a specialised form of financing that enables businesses to acquire assets they need for operations and growth. Unlike traditional loans or lines of credit, where the borrowed funds can be utilised for diverse objectives, asset finance is specifically earmarked for the acquisition of assets. This targeted approach provides businesses the means to obtain necessary assets while spreading the cost over time, aligning expenses with the benefits of the asset’s usage.

How does Asset Finance Work?

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Advantage of asset finance,
asset finance advantages

Asset finance operates through various mechanisms, each designed to suit businesses’ unique needs and circumstances. One common method is through hire purchase agreements, wherein the financier purchases the asset on behalf of the business and leases it back to them for a predetermined period. During this time, the business pays regular instalments, ultimately gaining asset ownership once the agreement concludes.

Another popular approach is leasing, wherein the financier retains asset ownership throughout the lease term, and the business pays periodic lease payments for its usage. Upon the conclusion of the lease term, the business is typically presented with the choice to either buy the asset outright, renew the lease agreement, or return the asset.

Additionally, asset finance often includes solutions like chattel mortgages, which are widely utilised for their flexibility. In chattel mortgages, the business secures the loan against the asset, providing favourable terms and interest rates. This form of financing allows businesses to retain ownership of the asset from the outset while benefiting from structured repayment plans.

Advantages of Asset Finance

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Advantage of asset finance,
asset finance advantages
1. Preservation of Capital

One of the foremost benefits of asset finance lies in its capacity to conserve capital. Instead of tying up substantial sums of money upfront to purchase assets outright, businesses can leverage asset finance to spread the cost over time. This preserves liquidity and working capital, allowing businesses to allocate resources to critical areas such as operations, marketing, and expansion.

2. Tax Benefits

Asset finance arrangements often come with attractive tax benefits, further enhancing the financial viability of acquiring assets through this route. The terms and conditions of the asset finance agreement vary depending on the jurisdiction and the specific arrangement in place, businesses may be eligible to claim tax deductions on lease payments or depreciation expenses, thereby reducing their overall tax burden.

3. Flexibility and Adaptability

Unlike traditional loans with fixed repayment terms, asset finance offers businesses greater flexibility and adaptability. With various options such as lease agreements, hire purchases, and chattel mortgages, businesses can tailor the asset finance solution to align with their cash flow projections, operational requirements, and growth objectives. This flexibility is particularly beneficial for SMEs and startups, allowing them to navigate changing market dynamics and seize growth opportunities without being constrained by rigid financing structures.

4. Access to the Latest Technology and Equipment

In today’s fast-paced business environment, staying competitive often hinges on access to the latest technology and equipment. Nevertheless, the swift rate of technological progress often renders direct purchases financially unfeasible for numerous businesses. Asset finance addresses this challenge by enabling businesses to acquire cutting-edge equipment and technology without significant upfront investment. This ensures businesses remain at the forefront of innovation, driving productivity gains and maintaining their competitive edge.

5. Risk Mitigation

Asset finance also serves as a business risk mitigation tool. By spreading the cost of asset acquisition over time, businesses can avoid the risks associated with asset depreciation, obsolescence, and technological changes. Additionally, since the asset is collateral for finance, businesses can secure favourable terms and interest rates, even without extensive credit history or collateral.

LiveInvest: Your Premier Asset Finance Broker

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Advantage of asset finance,
asset finance advantages

Amidst Australia’s plethora of asset finance brokers, LiveInvest stands out as a beacon of excellence and reliability. With a commitment to providing bespoke financing solutions tailored to each client’s unique needs, LiveInvest has earned a reputation as the best finance broker for businesses seeking commercial finance and asset finance solutions.

1. Expertise and Experience

With years of experience in the financial services industry, LiveInvest prides itself on having a team of experienced professionals who possess in-depth knowledge of the complexities of asset finance. Leveraging its expertise and extensive network of lenders, LiveInvest ensures that clients receive the most competitive rates, favourable terms, and personalised service.

2. Comprehensive Solutions

Recognising that every business is unique, LiveInvest offers various asset finance solutions to cater to different industries, asset types, and financing needs. Whether it’s equipment leasing, hire purchase agreements or chattel mortgages, LiveInvest works closely with clients to identify the most suitable financing option that aligns with their goals and circumstances.

3. Client-Centric Approach

At LiveInvest, client satisfaction is paramount. From the initial consultation to executing the asset finance agreement and beyond, LiveInvest is dedicated to providing outstanding service and support throughout every stage of the process. Their client-centric approach ensures that clients receive personalised attention, timely assistance, and transparent communication.


In conclusion, asset finance represents a powerful tool for businesses looking to unlock growth potential, drive innovation, and enhance competitiveness. By offering a flexible, cost-effective means of acquiring essential assets, asset finance empowers businesses to preserve capital, access the latest technology, and mitigate risks effectively. 

As the best finance broker in Australia specialising in commercial and asset finance, LiveInvest stands ready to assist businesses in realising their aspirations and achieving sustainable growth. With their expertise, comprehensive solutions, and unwavering commitment to client satisfaction, LiveInvest is the trusted partner businesses can rely on to navigate the complexities of asset finance and propel their success forward.

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